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Root ID
Dict No
Root ID Dict No Scripture Reference Word Syriac English Phrase APNT
592 592 Tit 3:9 ANIN* Nyn0 they are But withdraw from foolish questioning and from accounts of genealogies and from contentions and from disputes of the scribes. For there is no profit in them and they are fruitless.
889 890 Tit 3:9 XRINA* 0nyrx contentions But withdraw from foolish questioning and from accounts of genealogies and from contentions and from disputes of the scribes. For there is no profit in them and they are fruitless.
1098 1099 Tit 3:9 IOTRN Jrtwy profit But withdraw from foolish questioning and from accounts of genealogies and from contentions and from disputes of the scribes. For there is no profit in them and they are fruitless.
1259 1260 Tit 3:9 TKTOWA* 04wtkt disputes But withdraw from foolish questioning and from accounts of genealogies and from contentions and from disputes of the scribes. For there is no profit in them and they are fruitless.
1262 1264 Tit 3:9 LIT tyl there is no But withdraw from foolish questioning and from accounts of genealogies and from contentions and from disputes of the scribes. For there is no profit in them and they are fruitless.
1388 1388 Tit 3:9 MN Nm from But withdraw from foolish questioning and from accounts of genealogies and from contentions and from disputes of the scribes. For there is no profit in them and they are fruitless.
1388 1388 Tit 3:9 OMN Nmw and from But withdraw from foolish questioning and from accounts of genealogies and from contentions and from disputes of the scribes. For there is no profit in them and they are fruitless.
1388 1388 Tit 3:9 OMN Nmw and from But withdraw from foolish questioning and from accounts of genealogies and from contentions and from disputes of the scribes. For there is no profit in them and they are fruitless.
1388 1388 Tit 3:9 OMN Nmw and from But withdraw from foolish questioning and from accounts of genealogies and from contentions and from disputes of the scribes. For there is no profit in them and they are fruitless.
1647 1651 Tit 3:9 SKLTA Flks foolish But withdraw from foolish questioning and from accounts of genealogies and from contentions and from disputes of the scribes. For there is no profit in them and they are fruitless.